Single in my early 20's, help!

Hey Jen!

My question for you is any advice on being single? Do you think its good to go on multiple dates/play the field or just focus on your self? I live in NYC and am 24 and have been single since I moved here after college (okay, just over 2 years, admittedly not very long at all). But - I do want a boyfriend and want to meet someone organically. Any advice you have I really appreciate!

Hey girl!

Ahh young and solo in the Big Apple. How fun!

SOO here’s the thing...

In your twenties, there’s nothing wrong with being single, and there’s nothing wrong with being in a relationship.  Just remember two things:

1.     Don’t obsess over finding someone.

2.     Keep your standards high and don’t ever settle to fill the lonely void.

Trust me I know, having a boyfriend and being in love is comforting, fun and amazing in so many ways. We all want that! And we’ll all get it for the rest of our lives when the timing is right. Your time will come, and it’s way more likely to come if you don’t look so hard for it.

BUT, living in such a fast-paced city, you have to get out a bit to give yourself a chance of meeting a real contender.

You can’t just sit at home and hope Prince Charming comes knocking on your door. (wouldn’t that be great though!? Like Delivery Dudes food service, but actual dudes? There’s an idea.)

So put yourself out there!

Go to happy hours, mixers, workout classes, local events... and don’t be afraid to exchange the first hello when you’re intrigued by someone you see. Even if it’s the guy nearby in a coffee shop or someone sitting next to you on the underground. Strike up a conversation! You never know where it may lead. 

Most importantly, ENJOY being single. Put yourself out there, but put yourself first. Have some fun!

The happier you are solo, the healthier your next relationship will be.

He’ll come around when you least expect it!

Lets scope out some cuties next time I’m in NYC? ;-)


X, jen