My Experience With SoME + PRP

This post is in partnership with SoME. As always, all opinions are my own.



Platelet Rich Plasma.

Have you heard the hype!?

To put it simply, PRP is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma protein derived from whole blood (YOUR blood), spun to remove red blood cells.

The idea is that this protein will trigger your body to grow new, healthy cells and promote healing. PRP is often used in orthopedics as injections in various areas of the body, but it’s gaining popular momentum in the aesthetic world of in-office skincare treatments, like Vivace micro-needling. The Vivace + PRP combination is a powerful combination to stimulate collagen production—and I’ve seen the results first-hand on myself.

Now, imagine if you could incorporate PRP into your daily skincare routine at home!?

Well now you can. I introduce to you SoME.

When I found out about SoME through Aesthetics Biomedical, I immediately booked an appointment at Manhattan Dermatology in LA to see what it was all about.

Such a cool experience.

I’m about 2 weeks in to using my SoME serum, and my skin is already loving the product. Stay tuned for my results over the next few months! In the meantime, here are some FAQ:

What is SoME?

SoME is an autologous, take-home cosmetic skincare formulation with proven results. It uses a propriety blend of ingredients by your physicians with your own Platelet Rich Plasma! It’s a truly unique cosmetic experience like no other.

What are the benefits?

SoME + PRP is a skin rejuvenating treatment to achieve the following:

  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Reduce discoloration, puffiness and darkness around the eyes.

  • Enhance skin tone and texture.

SoME and SoME + PRP were tested in a blind split-face study, where patients used this product 2x a day for 8 weeks. Results showed visible improvement in their skins texture and tone, firmness and luminosity… and provided a smoother more radiant look.

It’s called “liquid gold” from aestheticians for a reason ;)

What’s the procedure like?

It’s incredibly simple and quick. I got my blood drawn in under 5 minutes, then waited less than 15 minutes for my PRP to be spun and created into my take home product.

PRP Procedure Blood Draw.JPG

During this process, the dermatologist ( @drninadesai )came in and chatted with me about my new skincare routine and how I can get max benefits from the product.

In and out of my appointment in under 45 minutes!

How to use it?

Apply SoME every morning and night after cleansing and before your moisturizer and sunscreen. For preservation, treatment bottles must be refrigerated when not in use!

Where can you get it done?

There is a practice locater on their website, linked here.

Is it good for all skin types?

Yes! It’s great for all skin types because it doesn’t contain any of those harsh, unnatural alcohols that irritate and dehydrate your skin. SoME contains two honeysuckle variants to keep it from degrading and keeps it fresh for everyday use.

Why does it need to be refrigerated?

It is the shift in temperature that shocks the platelets into activating on your skin. To put it simply, refrigeration ensures that there is enough of a temperature change for optimized benefits.

Travel hack: on my way back from LA, I put my bottles in a Ziplock bag with some ice that I grabbed from the flight attendant. A little tumbler with ice would work perfectly too!

What’s the cost and what do I get?

The National average is between $750-$950. You receive a 3-month supply + a mini fridge to store your product.



I’ve only been incorporating SoME into my daily routine for about 2 weeks now and I’m already seeing visible improvements.

My skin appears more awake and vibrant, and thanks to the hydration you get from this serum… my face looks and feels more plump and dewy.

I will be updating this post towards the end of my 3 month supply, so be sure to check back in for an updated photo + results!


xx, jen

Jennifer SavianoComment