The Recipe Book!


So if you’ve been a Lifestyler for a while, you know that we are all about balance over here.

Miss Lifestyler is a positive platform and community for women to have the tools and support they need to live a happy and healthy lifestyle.

With self-love being one of the most difficult practices we face in that journey, I wanted to create a sub-brand specifically for strengthening confidence, inner beauty and a healthy relationship with ourselves.

This is what ‘Bare Naked Confidence’ is all about.

My goal with the Bare Naked Confidence Recipe book is that it’s used as an informational tool and a stepping stone towards your healthy relationship with food.

But hey...

I’m not a doctor.

I’m not a bodybuilder.

I’m not a nutritionist.

I’m just a girl that absolutely loves wellness but equally loves tacos and tequila.

However I’m not a complete novice…

I played competitive tennis for over 15 years and all throughout college, so health and fitness has always been a HUGE part of my life. I’ve worked with a ton of trainers and nutritionists over the years, so I’ve picked up a tip or two to say the least… but most importantly I know what works for me, and I’m here to dish my secrets!

Eating well is a form of self-respect! Your body is a temple (and a wonderland according to John Mayer), so together lets start fueling it with more love and proper nutrition.

In this guide you’ll find my personal favorite recipes that are SIMPLE and based on what works extremely well for me: high protein, plenty of veggies and healthy fats… with very little dairy and carbs.

I tried to steer away from what a typical meal plan looks like, because A. The calories and percentages can become a mathematical mind game… and B. who am I to tell you specifically what day of the week to eat that baked chicken and veggies dish!?

Alternatively, I wanted to provide clean, healthy meal options for YOU to schedule and alter to your liking… along with healthy tips and tricks to start incorporating into your routine.

A few things you’ll find in this guide:

+ over 30 EASY recipes

+ tons of healthy tips & tricks

+ grocery store MONEY saving tips

+ suggested grocery list

+ tips on what to eat when you’re craving sweets

+ dairy & gluten free alternatives

This isn’t a quick fix diet… it’s a sustainable guide to a healthy lifestyle.

Lets make a commitment, shall we? 30 days of clean, lean, nutritious meals and light cardio.

If you do this I promise you’ll see real results on the outside.

You know what they say: “abs are made in the kitchen”

… so what the hell are we waiting for!?