5 Tips To Feeling Happier TODAY.

5 Tips To Feeling Happier TODAY

1. Write down what you're grateful for: get out a journal and pen, and write down 5... heck 10 things you love about your life right now. Sometimes when I'm in a rut and feeling down, I will take out my computer and type out everything that's going on in my head as fast as I can ... and then write down everything that's going WELL in my life. 

Remember that life isn't as bad as we make it up in our minds to be, and if you have a ROOF over your head with food on the table, you're pretty damn #blessed. 

2. Put together a vision board: earlier this year, my friend asked where we should go on vaca, and BALI was the first thing that popped into my head... it seemed like random choice at the time, but looking back after my magical trip, I don't think it was. 

I came across my old vision board last week, and got instant goosebumps. 

There are two cut-out photographs from Bali of which I ended up at. Like, I have photos standing in those EXACT locations and didn't even realize it. The power of the law of attraction is real y'all! 

If you haven't watched the documentary or read the book "The Secret", I highly recommend it. 

SO, create a vision of what you want your future to look like. All your dreams, goals, aspirations... put it all on there. Hang it up, look at it every day. Putting this together is fun! It's like having a crafts day with God and the universe ;)

3. Workout: I know I know, sometimes dragging yourself to the gym SUCKS. But have you ever regretted a workout!? I certainly haven't. Go get a good sweat in and let those endorphins kick in!

4. Buy yourself flowers: who needs a man when you have Trader Joe's & a credit card? ;) Seriously though, I used to think flowers were a waste of money until I realized the POWER behind being surrounded by things that make you feel light and happy. 

5. Treat yourself: go get your nails done, your hair blow out... maybe a facial or massage. Do something that makes you feel GOOD, spoiled and loved. 

The other day I took a work break and drove myself to get a mango popsicle and walk in the park for 1/2 hr. It was BLISS.

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Jeans and crop are from Abercrombie & Fitch. If you haven't tried on their jeans, YOU'RE MISSING OUT! 

Do yourself a favor and head to their website and scan all of their denim... so cute, such great quality, SO affordable! I'm wearing the "High Rise Mom Jeans- Annie" in the photos above. My (close) second fav: the "High Rise Slim Jeans". 

Oh all denim is 50% off right now! I love a good sale find. 

xx jen