DIY Copper Pipe Hanging Hat Rack

K so I'm really into hats these days... 

Brunch? Hat.

Bad hair day? Hat.

Hungover? Hat.

Want to avoid conversation? Hat.

Boyfriend being a d*ck? Hat.

Whether you’re trying to hide from life or look instantly put together, hats are an effortless addition to get the job done.

From leather baseball caps to wide-brim, felt fedora’s… I love ‘em all and I truly feel like you can never have too many. Which is typically a non-issue, until you don’t have a place to store them all...

So I was scanning Pinterest on this rainy Sunday afternoon and got inspired by some of the DIY projects I came across (some people are so damn creative).

Looking to my left in my closet and my unorganized hat situation, I grabbed my keys and headed to the store. 

I picked up a copper rod, rope & clothing pins.

$10 out of pocket & 10 minutes later, I have a wall piece of my fav pretties up on display.

DIY Copper Pipe Hanging Hat Rack.png
DIY copper hanging hat rack.JPG

So easy. SO cute right!?

What you’ll need

1. A Copper Pipe - I got mine from Home Depot, 2 feet long.

2. Clothing Pins 

3. Rope - any rope will do from your local craft store.

What you do:

1. Cut rope to size and thread through the pipe for hanging.

2. Cut a few matching pieces of rope, and tie onto pipe with matching intervals (I used 3 thin strings and braided to make one braided rope).

3. Hang your rack to the wall, and secure hats with clothing pins.


Effortless and adorable... just like your pretty little fedora.

xx, jen