How To Start Ridding Your Life Of Toxic Shit

In this day and age, we're so inclined to pop an advil for a headache, a xanax for anxiety, birth control pills for clear skin- synthetic quick fixes to get rid of anything unpleasant.

On top of this, we're smearing toxic beauty products on our bodies, drinking out of BPA infused bottles, eating foods with preservatives, GMOS & additives... I could go on an on, but you get it.

IDK about you, but I'm guilty of all the above.

This post isn't meant to scare you... actually the opposite. Sometimes it's good to talk about the amount of crap we put in and ON our bodies...because with awareness, we're able to make small adjustments to daily routine to cut back and balance out toxic buildup. 

And lets be real... unless you're living in a bubble, you're going to be exposed to toxins. Actually that bubble probably isn't BPA free, either.

Point being, there's no point in being completely psycho about ALL organic, ALL natural everything. Half my makeup is "toxic", I eat out at non-organic restaurants on the regular, I drink beer & tequila, I'll take prescribed medicine when needed, the list goes on... but I make a conscious effort now to eliminate the unnecessary shit.

Life is all about balance you know?

Few suggestions:

1. Buy only organic meats, fruits & veggies every other week, or as often as budget allows.

2. Instead of buying plastic water bottles, invest in a BPA free container to fill up fresh water from your home. (I always keep my Brita full in my fridge!) *cut up a few lemons to have slices ready to toss in, lemons are an amazing detoxifier!*

3. COFFEE. Did you know coffee is one of the most chemically treated crops in the world?  According to the CS Monitor, up to 250 pounds of chemical fertilizers are sprayed per acre of non-organic coffee. Kind of disgusting? Don't get me wrong, I'm currently sitting at a cafe drinking non-organic coffee... it's going to happen, often. However when you DO have control and are making coffee at home, pay the few extra $$ & pick a great organic brand to balance out the other times. 

4. Use candles at home? From here on out, look at the ingredients & only buy those made with beeswax or soy

5. Anything you're putting on your body DAILY, try to make the switch to organic. EX: conventional body lotions. Coconut oil is cheap, all natural, smells amazing and works just as good as any other "lotion". I lather up in coco oil from head to toe every night.

Now, for synthetic MEDS. 

Short TMI story: for YEARS I was on birth control pills.

3 years ago, I got off the pill immediately... the day before this decision:

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. 

Thank God they caught it very early, no chemo necessary and she's completely in the clear now. HOWEVER, every doctor she went to, one of their first questions: "how many years were you on oral contraceptives?"

Many doctors will say there isn't a direct correlation, most non-conventional doctors will say there is... others will dance around the question and just talk about the benefits. I'm not qualified to give a definitive answer, but hearing that question repeatedly was enough for me to get off the synthetic hormones immediately

Within weeks, I went to an all natural doctor that specialized in Chinese medicine. This is when I started to learn about the power of natural medicine and the importance of eliminating toxins

** I have to point out that I think some meds are 100% necessary with specific people, conditions and circumstances! However for more mild & controllable conditions, natural medicine/herbs can work wonders. It's worth doing your research to see if a natural alternative is possible **

REALNESS: getting off the pill was tough... I had to deal with breakouts, mood swings, irregular & sporadic cycles, etc... it sucked for a while. MANY times I considered going back on it for quick fix, but I was determined to regulate my hormones naturally, I just had to give it some time. 

NOTE: If you're using birth control for the sake of actual well, birth control, then by all means... probably best you stay on it. But for me, the only way I'm getting pregnant RN is through immaculate conception, so that's a NON issue. However A LOT of women are on it solely for the benefits: clear skin, cycle regulating & PMS control (which is why I was on it for years). 

To this day I'm still off the pill... and I've never felt more balanced! I have clear skin, minimal cray cray breakdowns, and pregnancy still isn't on the radar (fml). 

With mild anxiety being another medical struggle of mine (I've dealt with it forever)...

I've done endless research on herbs & supplements that effect the nervous system to help calm those obnoxious jitters, such as: ashwagandha, valerian root & L-Theanine. 

ALL herbal remedies are customized based on the individuals conditions/issue... and HUNDREDS of herbs are available for this technique (don't worry I won't list them all). 

Unlike conventional drug therapies, herbal therapies have little adverse effects, and also benefit your overall health... so there's not a whole lot of downside here!

A few of my favs:


 Ashwagandha is from a plant, best known for it's ability to reduce inflammation and calm the nervous system. (also helps with menstrual cramping!) As a super anxious person, this stuff really does help sooth the anxiety. You can get in pill form, or loose powder to add to your pre-bedtime caffeine-free tea! Read more about it here


Not only does L-Theanine boost GABA levels in the brain (which in itself will reduce anxiety for many) it tones down some of the stimulating neurotransmitters that make you anxious. Read more about L-Theanine here.


This stuff is insane. It's a pleasant tasting root usually found in powder form, known as a super food due to its VERY high absorbable plant based nutrients. Further maca benefits include increased fertility in both men and women, hormone balance, increased energy, stamina & memory. People note that they feel "alive" & energetic when consuming maca, which probably has to do with it's ability to restore hormone balance & release "feel good" endorphins. 

To say I'm a firm believer in natural herbs & remedies would be a fairly accurate assessment. :)

As mentioned previously, there are HUNDREDS+ of natural herbs/roots/supplements, and I'm always eager to try & learn more. Sometimes it's overwhelming to know WHAT herbs work for WHAT conditions, trust me I know... sometimes I drive myself crazy doing research.

So when I found out about the Moonjuice herbal dust collection, I was HOOKED immediately. 

You may have seen these trendy little "dust" packets in stores like Urban Outfitters, or scattered on social media (.. because well, the packaging is amazing.)

BUT they are more than insta worthy photo opps...


Basically... these are magical little packets filled with potent formulas to enhance beauty, brain, body, sexual energy, sleep and spirit.

By now you know how I feel about the power of natural herbs/supplements, so I have all the confidence in the world that these are effective!

AllDusts 2.jpg

(Formulas are alchemized with the most potent organic and wild crafted herbs, adaptogenic plants, and bioactive minerals available.)

Example: Their "brain dust" includes Organic Astragalus, Shilajit and MACA to support superior states of clarity, memory, creativity, alertness & ability to handle stress. 

ALSO LOVING their Blue Adaptogen Protein Powder:


"Moon Juice protein is crafted in small batches with the most powerful plant alchemy on earth. While our raw, whole grain brown rice is activated for bioactivity and availability, natural plant enzymes digest almost all of the carbohydrates. This bio-fermentation produces easily assimilable protein and amino acids, supporting healthy muscle growth and recovery. Blue Majik aqua botanicals, chia seeds and tocotrienols tame inflammation, detoxify and nourish internal organs." 

I WANT YOU TO TRY THIS STUFF. I paired up with Moonjuice specifically to share the love with you guys! *not an ad* 



Winner 1: 1 Full Moon Dust Collection ($175 value)

WInner 2: 1 Full Moon Dust Collection ($175 value) 

Winner 3: Large Blue Adaptogen Protein Jar + The Moonjuice Cookbook

Winner 4: Large Blue Adaptogen Protein Jar + The Moonjuice Cookbook 

+ your @username shoutout on my Insta story! :)


1. Follow @moonjuiceshop on insta (& tag a friend in my last post)

2. Subscribe to Miss Lifestylers newsletter .

3. Join the brand new and exclusive GIRLS ONLY Facebook group for Miss Lifestyler *if you're a guy, well you can skip this step... sorry girls only ;) * 


Winners will be randomly selected & announced via snapchat (jensav11) THIS Friday, at 12PM.

[ Side note about the new Facebook group: THANK YOU @theskinnyconfidential AND @theladygang for the Facebook group inspo. REALLY excited to have a community where y'all can meet each other and ask me (and the other group members) ANYTHING. No rules, no boundaries. Health tips, guy drama, sex, love advice, skincare, etc...and don't be shy, because it's only us ladies. --- As ya'll know, I have my advice submission page here on the blog, and I LOVE answering those that I can get to! But with the amount of emails I get, I thought it would be more efficient to have something in addition to answer more quickly, WITH help from the Miss Lifestyler community (AKA YOU) to weigh in and discuss! After emailing with a lot of you individually over this past year, I CAN'T WAIT for you guys to meet each other! Seriously the most positive, uplifting and cool people around. ]



Healthy vibes your way,

jen x


Disclaimer: all opinions are my own. Always consult your healthcare provider before stopping or starting any healthcare regimen!