Greek Yogurt with Raspberries & Chia Seeds


Chiais like, totally trendy right now. *insert valley girl voice* For a good reason...

Chia seeds are loaded with nutrients and are truly among the healthiest foods on the planet.

With that said, I try to find ways to slip these cute little baby seeds into everything I can. My yogurt is no exception.

It's easy to mask the (mild) seedy taste with a little help from some other great ingredients, which I use in this recipe:

Lemons- well if you read my post about detox water, you get a glimpse into my passion for lemons. They are amazing.

Raspberries- my favorite fruit ever and oh so good for you.

Honey- boosts immunity, fights bacteria, helps boost energy, etc... it's my go-to sugar replacement.

Yogurt: high in potassium, iodine, amino acids, calcium, B12, etc...

So what inspired this recipe?

I was walking down the cold section at my local Fresh Market, and came across the wall of yogurts. I tend to avoid the "fruity" yogurts, as most have too much added sugar in them, but this one in particular caught my eye:


It had super cool, trendy font and everything. "O0O0o Chia in yogurt!" Must be legit right? Ehhhhh not so fast. Before you toss the 5 for $10 into your basket, take a peak at the back like I did.



I don't know about you, but I like to keep my yogurt as clean as possible AKA free from unnecessary crap.

So I decided to make my own:)

This recipe in particular is naturally sweetened and flavored with honey, lemon and raspberries. It will make you feel like you're cheating on your diet- I'm even putting this in the "dessert" category of my blog.

It's seriously mind blowing-bowl licking-round 3-deliciously good .... and did I mention healthy?

So good I may have to sell this. What should I name it? Yogi Yogurt? How cute is that!?

Anyways. Ya'll get my point...

You'll never go back to plain yogurt again.


  • plain greek yogurt (pick one with the least amount of sugar)
  • raspberries
  • chia
  • honey
  • lemon

What's a Girl Gotta Do?: 

  • Mash about10 raspberries with a fork.
  • Sprinkle as many chia seeds as you'd like
  • Drizzlehoney
  • Squeeze about half a lemon
  • Combine and add to your plain-jane greek yogurt

Yep. Mash, sprinkle, drizzle, squeeze, combine... It's that simple ;)

V i s u a l :


...and just like that your yogurt will never be the same.

Want another little tip?

Freeze the leftovers (let's be real, you won't have any)...  let me rephrase...


  • Freeze your magical yogurt concoction.
  • Once frozen, plop it all into your Vitamix or other high performance blender.
  • You now have yourself some darn good frozen yogurt.
  • You're welcome. <3

What's your favorite greek yogurt brand?? I'm always on the lookout for new ones with low sugar!


xx, jen